A black and white logo for black label commercial group


When looking for a site to develop for either investment purposes or a new facility for business use the list of concerns appears to be never-ending. At Black Label Commercial Group we have worked on hundreds of land transactions and our services go well beyond simply negotiating the price. Our team of professionals has access to some of the best engineers, surveyors and environmental consultants in the Houston area and we get them involved on our client’s deals as soon as possible.

While price is, of course, the driving factor in a majority of real estate purchases it is important to remember the saying, “You Get What You Pay For” when it comes to site selections. Many “cheap” pieces of property have underlying issues that come with a steep price to correct. That price can either be in dollars or time and time is money in the business world.

Whether you are needing a 50-acre site outside of town for a new manufacturing facility or an infill location downtown for a new multifamily project we have the right professionals to make sure no stone is left unturned.

A map with a red pin on it

Our goal is to maximize value for each of our clients by utilizing our expertise to guide them through any situation that may arise during a transaction.


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